
Hi, I’m Ben Collins.

I’m the founder of Collins Analytics LLC and The Collins School of Data.

I create online courses and write about working with data using Google Sheets, Apps Script and Data Studio at benlcollins.com.

My passion is helping organizations and individuals transition seamlessly from Excel to Google Sheets.

I want to help you and your team get up to speed with Google Sheets as quickly and easily as possible.

Since 2017, I’ve released 10 online courses teaching folks how to use Google Sheets and Apps Script, which have been taken by over 20,000 professionals worldwide.

In 2019, Google awarded me the Google Developer Expert (GDE) status for G Suite Technology, one of only a handful worldwide for the G Suite Technology branch. The GDE award is given out by Google to experienced, recognized developers of Google technologies.

Start with the comprehensive guide or inquire about booking a workshop.